Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Genesis 6-9

Selected Lectio Reading:

Genesis 8:1


"[A]nd then God remembered Noah..." (Gen 8:1).  Imagining this scene unfold this time around, I had a profound sense of the sadness Noah and his family must have experienced.  They watched as the entire human community rejected God so thoroughly and so completely that they were subject to the devastation of the flood.  The wholesale descent into sin (see Gen 6:5) is just so tragic.

Ashley and I had a scare yesterday.  We had a positive pregnancy test on Friday and were so excited to be welcoming "Baby Bear #5".  And then we had all the indications of a miscarriage.  When we had some blood tests run, it showed that the pregnancy test had given us a false positive.  On the one hand this was a significant relief, as we hadn't lost a baby.  But on the other hand, it felt like we had lost a baby.  I felt as if I had already fallen in love with this kiddo and so I was deeply saddened to get the call from Ashley that we might be miscarrying.  But this morning, reflecting on this passage, and now after getting the news that the pregnancy test was wrong, I have a renewed sense of peace.  I was able to focus on this passage that God remembered Noah in his affliction.  God remembers me and is with me in my affliction, in my sadness, in my grief.

I'm still not entirely sure how to grieve over this situation, but I know that God is with me and will never abandon me.


Lord, thank you for the gift of life and the possibility to join in your creative work in bringing forth new life.  Thank you for the kids you have given us and any that you have yet to give us.  Thank you for being present in our times of heartache and distress to give us peace.

Oratio/Prayer Intentions:

Lord, continue to be with us and help us to know of your love and presence.  May we never succumb to feeling you are far from us and help us to always hope in you.

Mr. Crane's Song of the Day:

Casting Crowns, "Praise You in the Storm"

Saint Quote of the Day:

"Pray, hope, and don't worry.  Worry is useless.  God is merciful and will hear your prayer."
      - St. Padre Pio