Thursday, August 25, 2016

Psalm 23

Selected Lectio Reading:
Ps 23


In my reading of this, I was really quite struck by the images of the "right paths" (v. 3), "darkest valley" (v. 4), and the "house of the LORD" (v. 6).  I imagined two paths, one leading into a dark forest, which seems by all accounts utterly terrifying.  I am reading The Hobbit to my older boys as a bedtime story and can't get the image of the spiders in Mirkwood out of my head when I think of that path.  Then there's the other path which is into a bright and open field, flowing with the wind.  This latter image has often been what my mother- and father-in-law would call my "tree house," a place where I find peace and joy.  Yet, I'm disquieted by the thought that the "darkest valley" or the Mirkwood-like forest might be the "right paths," might be what would lead me to "the house of the LORD."  Yet, I'm comforted by the ready hope that the "goodness and mercy" (v. 6) of God will truly follow me "all the days of my life" (v. 6).  What then should I fear if I have to endure some difficulty to truly find peace and joy?


Thank you, Lord, for the tree houses in my life.  Thank you also for showing me the true peace and joy that you offer in yourself and your goodness and mercy.

Oratio/Prayer Intentions:

Lord, may I allow myself to be led by you down right paths to dwell in your house.  Make me aware of your goodness and mercy in my life and how I can be open to receiving them.

Mr. Crane's Song of the Day:

Gladiator Soundtrack: Now We Are Free

Saint Quote of the Day:

"O Soul steeped in darkness, do not despair.  All is not yet lost.  Come and confide in your God, who is love and mercy."
      - St. Faustina

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