Gen 39:6-20
"Now Joseph was handsome and good-looking" (v. 6). What a way to introduce this section. How often are we led astray because of something or someone we find attractive. What are we willing to compromise? Yet in Joseph we see an amazing example of loyalty, to his master and to his God. Time after time Potiphar's wife tries to seduce Joseph, and yet he resists saying, "How then could I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?" (v. 9). He recognizes that he has been given authority over Potiphar's entire household, everything but his wife. She is his, and no one else's.
Over the course of the last several weeks as I've prayed for my wife and sought to serve her better, I've been constantly reminded of a fundamental truth of our relationship. She is God's first. God's first, not mine. While she is my wife, she is God's first. Therefore, the motivation for any way in which I serve her should be to help her see her relationship with God more clearly so she can experience and know his love, care, and provision.
In our marriage, we image this reality to each other, or at least we try. What could we learn by this example of Joseph, his loyalty to Potiphar and to God? What should we be willing to risk for the authentic good of the other, this truth that we actually belong to God? Here Joseph is thrown in prison after being falsely accused. How much more should I give for my bride and for my God?
Lord, thank you for my bride. Thank you for showing me your love for me through her.
Oratio/Prayer Intentions:
Lord, help me to be the husband my wife deserves, to show your love to her.
Mr. Crane's Song of the Day:
Jars of Clay: Worlds Apart
Saint Quote of the Day:
"My God, if my tongue cannot say in every moment that I love you, I want my heart to repeat it as often as I draw breath."
- St. John Vianney