Gen 32:22-32
There are two things that stick out to me in this passage. First, the words, "The same night..." (v. 22) drew me to see what led up to this passage. Jacob's attitude has shifted considerably during his "exile" in Haran. Where once he bargained with God's favor and protection in exchange for his devotion (28:20-22), he now approaches God with humility: "O Lord...I am not worthy of the least of all the steadfast love and all the faithfulness that you have shown to your servant..." (32:9-10). I think this humility lends itself to what Jacob sees in his wrestling match with God. Jacob says two things after his hip is dislocated: "bless me" (v. 26) and "tell me your name" (v. 29). In Jacob's humility, he recognizes that he is not greater than the one with whom he is wrestling, and thus he seeks a blessing. Second, he wants to know the name of his opponent. In considering these points, I wonder if Jacob truly saw in the other an opponent. Sometimes in wrestling with a major decision, or trying to think of the best way to approach a class, topic, issue, whatever, I have a somewhat unconscious sensation of battling against God. Often though, this morphs from having God as an opponent to seeking a greater understanding of who God is, what his will is for me, and how I should proceed. I think that's the nature of Israel, of being "one who wrestles with God." In our sin, we have an imperfection vision, and so we must sometimes struggle against God to gain clarity. In our struggle, we realize that we're not struggling so much against God as to better understand him. Perhaps our "wrestling match" is more with ourselves?
The second item, which serves only to highlight the importance of this passage, is that surrounding it are Jacob referring to seeing someone's face (32:20 and 33:10). And in the middle of this passage, Jacob recognizes that he has "seen God face to face, and yet my life is preserved" (v. 30). He feared his coming encounter with Esau, but what truly spares him and transforms him into Israel, as one who can be reconciled to his brother, is this meeting with God.
Lord, thank you for allowing us to struggle with you, to wrestle with what you've given us. Thank you for the times when I've been able to come to a greater understanding of you and your will for my life through a hardship, trial, or otherwise painful experience.
Oratio/Prayer Intentions:
Lord, please never allow me to be too comfortable in my understanding of you that I stop seeking more. Draw my heart, soul, and strength ever more to your Sacred Heart.
Mr. Crane's Song of the Day:
Carbon Leaf: Let Your Troubles Roll By
Saint Quote of the Day:
"Few souls understand what God would accomplish in them if they were to abandon themselves unreservedly to Him and if they were to allow His grace to mold them accordingly."
- St. Ignatius of Loyola
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