Monday, September 19, 2016

Genesis 16-23

Selected Lectio Reading:
Gen 18:9-15


"Is anything too wonderful for the Lord?" (v. 14)  This question is highlighted by the placement of the descriptors of Abraham and Sarah as "old, advanced in age" etc. in the center of this episode.  Nothing natural could have provided Abraham and Sarah a son.  How many times did God promise that Abraham would have descendants, heirs, a son, etc.?  I can understand impatience with certain promises, especially those which have so much potential consequence.  I can understand seeing how I could possibly try to see how I could fulfill those promises on my own.  And I an understand how something could seem so impossible that all I could do is laugh in disbelief.

And yet, nothing is too wonderful for the Lord.  Abraham and Sarah, in their old age, conceived and had a son, Isaac.  Isaac's own name, to laugh, has a double meaning: first to remind Abraham and Sarah (and all of us) of God's enduring faithfulness to his promises even when we doubt, and second, to show how God can turn our doubt to faith and our suffering to joy.

How little we take advantage of this.  I was once told that we should ask God for big things, miracles, blessings, etc., because then we show God that we acknowledge his greatness, that nothing is too wonderful for him.  We acknowledge that we're choosing to trust in his greatness.  And we put ourselves before his generosity.  Could Abraham and Sarah avoided some of the pain and hardship they endured when they tried to force God's promises without him if they had only asked him for that miracle?  How much pain and suffering could I avoid if I just turned to God and sought his grace and blessing?


Thank you, Lord, for those times you proved yourself faithful to me, even when I doubted your greatness.  Thank you for the gifts you've used to show your love, provision, and care for me, especially my wife and kids.

Oratio/Prayer Intentions:

Lord, help me to give you glory by asking you for big things.  Help me have confidence in your generosity.  In practice of this, please heal Ashley's back and provide a healthy labor and delivery for many of our friends who are due within the coming weeks.

Mr. Crane's Song of the Day:

Carbon Leaf: What about Everything?

Saint Quote of the Day:

"You pay God a great compliment by asking great things of him."
      -St. Teresa of Avila

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