Thursday, September 29, 2016

Genesis 24-26

Selected Lectio Reading:
Gen 25:19-23


There are a couple of thoughts which spring to mind as I try to place myself in this passage.  The first is that of many friends, family members, etc. who sought to conceive and either couldn't or only did so after significant difficulty.  As Isaac prayed for Rebekah, I know that many prayers were offered up for these couples.  Sometimes we saw answers to those prayers in the manner of God answering Isaac's prayers.  Other times, our friends and family members continued in their struggle to conceive.  I often hear the question, "Why does God answer some people's prayers, but not others?"  There are so many possible answers to this question, and I think the right one is probably couched in mystery, but when I ask this of myself, I often wonder if we're actually looking for God's will in our prayers.  I'm not saying that it is necessarily contrary to God's will for some of these families to conceive, but I wonder if God is trying to illicit a greater trust, a greater love from those who remain in their "barrenness" by allowing them to stay there.  It sounds counter-intuitive, but I think there's a significant truth in that unique ability of humanity to continue to love through suffering.  That idea of compassion, to suffer with someone, brought the Incarnation, brought Christ to us.  How great can we experience God's love in those moments of suffering through the prayers which open us to it!

The second thought has to do with sibling rivalry, which I've experienced some in the past, but I feel as if my brothers and I have a pretty solid relationship.  We're not perfect by any means, but much of what separated us in our early years faded most considerably when we were separated by war.  My brothers all served in the military while I was in high school and college.  When they left, I think we found that whatever issues divided us were no longer important and our bond as brothers, in the love of God, can get us through just about anything.  I'm thankful and proud to call my brothers my best friends.


Thank you, Lord, for your provisions in times of suffering and for giving me brothers whom I love dearly.

Oratio/Prayer Intentions:

Lord, please comfort those who struggle with infertility and bless them with your love and presence.  Please offer your mantle of protection to all those still serving in the military or in other service-oriented capacities.

Mr. Crane's Song of the Day:

The Hobbit: Misty Mountains

Saint Quote of the Day:

"God sends us friends to be our firm support in the whirlpool of struggle.  In the company of friends we find strength to attain our sublime ideal."
      - St. Maximilian Kolbe

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