Gen 3: 1-7
As I read through this selection from the beginning of this tragic episode from Eden, I was constantly struck by the idea that the Man and Woman acted as if they could not rely on God. First we have the serpent twisting God's words as he spoke to the Woman: "Did God say, 'You shall not eat from any tree in the garden?'" (Gen 3:1). While much of her response was true, she added a prohibition for herself of not even touching the fruit of the tree. I relate to this quite frequently. As I am able to recognize how I am tempted (by the grace of God), I will often add these extra barriers so that I don't even come close to being tempted.
For example, I used to spend an inordinate amount of time on Facebook, such that I often felt like I was neglecting my family. Now Facebook is not an evil thing which must be avoided at all costs, but I saw that I was not using it temperately. So to avoid getting sucked into the black hole of social media, I decided to delete the app from my phone. At first it wasn't easy, because I had trained myself to go to Facebook if I was idle. Now it's not so much a temptation any more.
In light of this, I ask myself what would happen if I relied on God more and these extra barriers less? What if I sought his grace instead of trying to constantly shield myself and protect myself? Because I know all too well, that like the Woman, I am not beyond going around, over, or through those barriers to reach what I might find "good for food...a delight to the be desired to make one wise" (Gen 1:6).
Lord, thank you for bringing me through so many of the temptations that I face on a daily basis. I know that it is by your grace, and not my strength, that I am able to resist them.
Oratio/Prayer Intentions:
Lord, may I never fail to turn to you for your help and grace in moments or periods of temptation. Please bless those whose welfare I am responsible for and may I be the man, husband, father, son, brother, friend, teacher, etc. that I am called to be for their sake.
Mr. Crane's Song of the Day:
Audrey Assad: Fortunate Fall
Saint Quote of the Day:
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