Gen 4:1-7
The image that sticks out to me the most as I read through this passage was "Cain was very angry, and his countenance fell" (v. 5). While I can't number the times I feel like I've gone through a similar experience of disappointment and what might be called depression afterward, I know that I have. And I wouldn't necessarily say that it was a depression born of sadness, but rather of anger. Most often that anger was directed at myself. Often when I fell into one temptation or another, or like Cain, I didn't offer my best effort (sacrifice), either to God or anyone around me, I would turn around and accuse myself of being weak or unable to actually succeed.
It wasn't until I got into college when I heard that one of Satan's titles is "Accuser." What this means is that Satan first tries to trip us up by tempting us, and then when we fall, he will go on to tell us that we are worthless because we fell. So these attacks on myself were actually temptations themselves from Satan. Now, don't get me wrong, in these situations, like Cain, I was clearly in the wrong by not offering the best of myself, and the guilt and resentment I felt should have inspired me to greater action, as God says to Cain, "If you do well, will you not be accepted?" (v. 7).
What I needed to realize, and still do, is that I need God's help, grace, and guidance to do well. I should turn to God in these times of failure and ask him for this so that I may do well and that I may master the sin that is lurking at the door (v. 7).
Thank you, Lord, for the times when I've been able to turn to you after I've fallen into the temptation of offering less than the best of myself to you, my family, my friends, or my work. Thank you for your mercy in helping me back up and seeing that with your help, I can do well and be accepted.
Oratio/Prayer Intentions:
Lord, please bless my efforts to offer the best of myself to you and my family especially this day. Help me to see my failures as opportunities to seek to grow in your graces.
Mr. Crane's Song of the Day:
The High Kings: The Parting Glass
Saint Quote of the Day:
"He loves, He hopes, He waits. Our Lord prefers to wait Himself for the sinner for years rather than keeping us waiting for an instant."
-St. Maria Goretti
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